FDDA - Framework for the Demonstration of Distributed Algorithms

FDDA follows the document-controller architectural pattern.


fdda.algorithm This package contains the component of fdda that deals with algorithms.
fdda.core Contains the core control component of FDDA.
fdda.core.demonstration Contains the interface of the core sub-component that deals with the demonstration of algorithms.
fdda.core.impl Contains the implementation of the core component.
fdda.core.modelling Contains the interface of the core sub-components that manages the modelling of networks.
fdda.core.projects Contains the interface for the core sub-component that deals with projects.
fdda.dialog The interface of the dialog component of FDDA.
fdda.dialog.java2d Contains the implementation of the graphics control for the java2d component.
fdda.dialog.swing The swing implementation of the dialog component.
fdda.dialog.swing.properties Contains the implementation of the property editor.
fdda.dialog.swing.utils Contains utility classes for swing dialogs.
fdda.graphics Contains the interfaces of the graphical model.
fdda.graphics.java2d The implementation of the graphical model for the Java2D graphics system.
fdda.model This is the top-level package of the model component.
fdda.model.impl Contains the implementation of the model component.
fdda.plugins Contains the interfaces for the plug-ins of FDDA.
fdda.plugins.xmlreader Contains the plug-ins that read XML files and either load algorithms or projects.
fdda.plugins.xmlwriter Contains the plug-in that writes projects to XML files.
fdda.propertyTypes This package contains the type classes for properties.
fdda.propertyTypes.implementations Contains implementations of the editors and generators of the property types which are included with FDDA.
fdda.utils Contains global utility classes, mostly adapters to Java utilities.


FDDA follows the document-controller architectural pattern. Additionally, the model is divided into the 'model proper', containing only information relevant to the algorithm, and the 'graphics model', containing the information pertaining to to graphical display of the model and the algorithm demonstration.
Most components of FDDA follow the pattern that their interfaces are defined in the top-level package of the component, while the implementation is in a subpackage. The main class Fdda initializes the components by specifying the implementation using static methods in the main component class of the top-level package.

For the implementation of algorithms, only the packages fdda.algorithm and fdda.model should be relevant.

API documentation for FDDA version 0.9. Generated on 17/02/2004 14:12.